Scholb Monster Brew – 5 Gal Wort

$ 30.00

Out of stock



Reserve your 5 gallons of wort today. Each 5 gallons will cost a total of $30. This payment is non-refundable and reserve your sweet sweet wort. We expect to be sold out prior to the event so make sure to reserve your wort today.

Monster Brew Starts at 8am on Nov 11th at Scholb Premium Ales in Torrance. Early morning coffee, and lunch (most likely pizza) is included in your $30. You are not required to show up early if you are only interested in collecting your wort, but why miss all the fun? We welcome you to assist & view the entire brew process.

The recipe for the wort will be the base recipe for their Moon Tide Pale Ale with only early hop additions. 2 Row and Wheat Malt for the base. For those of you who would like to participate in our hop challenge, we will be working with Scholb to try and get you some yeast and invite you to ferment with 2oz dry hop of your choosing (add at 3 days into fermenting). Save some of your beer as we will meet up in December for a bottle share!

REMEMBER: Please bring your sanitized brew buckets, kegs, or any other plastic sweet wort holding container you may like. Absolutely NO GLASS.

I will see if Dan from South Bay Brewing Supplies can offer Brew Buckets to purchase onsite.