November meeting Minutes



The Holiday party is on 12/6 again at the Fafard’s.  This is always a very fun evening and Steve and his wife are fantastic hosts.  Remember to bring your raincoat there has been some precipitation 4 of the last 4 years

The Homebrew club of the Year entry is on the website.  Congratulations to the Maltose Falcons this years winner

There is a BJCP taste exam on 12/6, if you are able to donate beer for the exam please contact me at president(at)  In exchange for your donation you will receive ~24 score sheets on your beer.  Many club members are taking this exam and the beers should be tasted blind, so please keep all donations confidential until after the exam.

All our purchases to the club bar are complete.  If you would like to sponsor one of the taps you can do so by giving a check to the treasurer or via Paypal.  Sponsor tap will be commemorated with something like a plaque on the club bar (details at a later meeting).  We hope to have all the club bar improvements incorporated for the holiday party.

The 2015 Southern California Homebrewers Festival is on 5/2/2015 at Vail Lake near Temecula.  Our club has reserved 11 sites and we have campsite managers for each site.  The sites we have reserved are 313 through 323.  Currently 7 sites are full and there is room for about 15 additional campers.  Email me and I’ll put you in contact with a campsite manager to reserve your spot.  Thanks to Bob Wilson for fielding the call and reserving the sites, and to Rick Wirsing for taking the alcohol awareness course.

Discussion of Club Bylaws:

We had a lengthy and interesting discussion of the club bylaws, and passed two changes to the bylaws: 1) updating the bylaws to reflect the 35 dollar membership fee that was passed a few years ago and 2) increasing the maximum amount of an extraordinary expenditure to 250 dollars.

Other discussion topics included membership cards, officer responsibilities, and what constituted a normal operating expense.  Expect more on Club Bylaws at the January meeting.

Officer Elections

Congratulations to the 2015 officers!

President: Ryan Penrod

Vice President: Rich Thorton

Treasurer: Chris Remensperger

Secretary: David Eaves

Activities Director: Bob Wilson

Dregs Editor: Rick Wirsing

Third Single Variable Tasting (Carbonation)

Ryan Penrod Brought a Saison carbonated with cardrobs at low and high carbonation levels.  Jeff Sanders brought a King Harbor monster brew with cocoa nibs, one carbonated with Carb Tabs (CT)and one with Prime Dose (PD).  Ryan’s low carbonation Saison was perceived to have more body and mre sweetness while the high carbonation version had a grainy character more head and perceived to be drier.  Jeff’s CT had more milk chocolate flavors while the PD was more carbonated and drier and was described as having less chocolate or bitter chocolate notes.  Thanks t everyone who participated.

Congratulations to Bob Wilson for the best homebrew of the evening with his Smog City Monster Brew Kolsch

Remember there is no December meeting