Messages from the new officers, several recipes from past Pacific Brewers Cup winners, update on finding lost Dregs issues, Rob Proffitt describes his trip to Congregation Ale House in Long Beach, Jim Wilson reviews the book “Yeast” by Jamil Zainasheff and Chris White.
Member profiles of Chris Voisey, Jeff Sanders, and Jim Wilson, recipes for Bill Krouss’ winter helles and Chris Voisey’s Santa’s Special Ale holiday beer, reprint of Ron Cooper’s Zymurgy article on oxygenating with hydrogen peroxide.
Member profiles of Rob Proffitt, Ester Tung and Rives Borland, pale ale, Russian imperial stout, Munich helles and American barleywine recipes from Jim Hilbing.
Member profile of Mike Haisma, update on the club Cabernet barrel project, recipe for Dan Bottom’s pale ale.
Updates on this year’s Southern California Homebrew Festival, member profile of Steve Fafard, Ron Cooper visits Boulder Dam Brewing Company, Jim Wilson discusses a potential change in the BJCP exam, mead and chocolate stout recipes from Scott Hooper.
Chris Voisey talks about beer and food pairing, Jeff Sanders reviews 15 years of Dregs issues, Jay Ankeney talks about his trip to the 2011 AHA National convention, including many photos, Rob Proffitt describes his new brewing system, Jim Wilson talks about his trip to the NHC.
Member profile of Brian Kellough, Jay Ankeney discusses Randy Mosher’s NHC presentation “Homebrew Planet”, Jim Wilson talks about Sierra Nevada’s collaboration with the New Clairvaux monestary, Jim also gives details on his new fermentation chamber.
Chris Voisey talks about Maui Brewing Company and homebrewers in Maui, Jeff Sanders talks about the recent San Diego bus trip, Eric Harashevsky also talks about the San Diego trip, Jim Wilson discusses Harold Gulbransen’s NHC presentation on hefeweizen, Jim also talks about his recent road trip to Sierra Nevada.
Jay Ankeny reviews his trip to Oktoberfest in Germany, including many photos, Jay also reviews Ken Schramm’s NHC presentation on meadmaking, Jim Hilbing, Kurt Rump and Mike Truman win Best of Show at this year’s PBC, Jay Ankeny wins first runner-up Best of Show.
Rives Borland describes how to build a keg and carboy washer, Mike Haisma discusses Charlie Bamforth’s NHC presentation “Hopping into the Sunset”, Jim Wilson talks about getting rid of beerstone.
Rives Borland discusses the recent meeting’s beer and food pairing, new officers announced, Graham Hebson details his build of a “Brutus” style single-tier system, Jay Ankeney talks about how to make mead, Jim Wilson reviews “Brewing Better Beer”, a book by Gordon Strong.